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Searched for: 2158
Participants of sustainable landcare training in the field

Sustainable Landcare Training

Demand for a skilled workforce in our corner of the green economy is growing. We’re seeing more and more earth-friendly practices in our landscapes, like rain gardens and other strategies for managing stormwater and native plantings that protect pollinators. We need people to take care of them. The Sustainable Landcare Training program provides youth and…

About Blue Thumb

Who We Are Blue Thumb—Planting for Clean Water® is a network of clean water and native plant stewards creating change to bridge the gap between knowledge and action by offering resources and programs to Minnesotan residents. Our Finest on Earth™ Blue Thumb Partners include local governmental units, non-profit organizations, and private companies all working toward…


Raingardens serves as water filters collecting polluted stormwater before it reaches our waters.